Department of Bengali

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It was 1981. Dhupguri, that time, a little known place of West Bengal, started its new academic journey with a college named Sukanta Mahavidyalaya. The Department of Bengali has been actively engaged from the first day of the college. It has been actively involved in fostering critical thinking among the students hailing from different parts of Doors region. Later Bengali as a honours subject was introduced in 2001. The prime focus was to cultivate, nourish and develop a taste for Bengali language and literature among the youthful minds of rural students. The Department has been encouraging the students to conduct debate and discussions on different issues pertaining to Bengali language and literature.


Dept. of Bengali has been faithfully discharging its duties and responsibilities. Every year around 35 honours students and around 100 students from programme course get opportunity for higher education at the university level. At present the Department of Bengali is running with 3 (three) full time professors and 5 (five) SACT professors. Teachers are dedicated towards the wellbeing and a prosperous life of the students and to enable them to be a proud citizen of this country.

NOTICE (বিজ্ঞপ্তি)

Department of Bengali

বাংলা বিভাগ


2023 - NOTICES






তৃতীয়, পঞ্চম এবং প্রথম সেমিস্টার মেজর বাংলা হোম অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট-২০২৩


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন - ১ম সেমিস্টার মেজর, ৩য়, ৫ম সেমিস্টার সিসি(CC), ২০২৩


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন - ১ম সেমিস্টার মাইনর (Minor), ৩য়, ৫ম সেমিস্টার প্রোগ্রাম কোর্স, ২০২৩


লোকসাহিত্য ও লোকসংস্কৃতি" - ক্ষেত্র সমীক্ষা - ৬ষ্ঠ সেমিস্টার (DSE -4)


দেওয়াল পত্রিকা : "কিঞ্জল"


বিভাগীয় বৈঠক- জানুয়ারি, ২০২৩


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন- ১ম সেমিস্টার ২০২৩

2022 - NOTICES




অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন (ক্লাস টেস্ট)- ৩য়, ৫ম সেমিস্টার ২০২২


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন (লিখিত)- ৩য়, ৫ম সেমিস্টার ২০২২


ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম - ১ম সেমিস্টার, ২০২২


বিশেষ বক্তৃতা- "প্রাচীন থেকে আধুনিক বাংলা সাহিত্যের পরিক্রমা : একটি দিগ্-দর্শন"


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন (মৌখিক)- ৩য়, ৫ম সেমিস্টার ২০২২


বিভাগীয় বৈঠক


বিশেষ বক্তৃতা-"লোকসংস্কৃতি : সাম্প্রতিক ভাবনায়"


অভ্যন্তরীণ মূল্যায়ন - ২য় , ৪র্থ , ৬ষ্ঠ সেমিস্টার ২০২২

Department of Bengali

Course Offered by the Department:

  • B.A. Honours in Bengali (বাংলা সাম্মানিক কোর্স)

  • B.A. Programme Course with Bengali (বাংলা সাধারণ কোর্স)




Bengali Honours Course

Bengali Programme Course


  1. Students should be familiar with representative literary and cultural texts within a significant number of historical, political, geographical and cultural contexts.
  2. Students should be able to apply critical and theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts in multiple genres.
  3. Students should be able to identify, analyze, interpreted and describe the critical ideas, values and themes that appear in different literary texts.
  4. Students should be able to write analytically in variety of formats including descriptive writing, research papers and reflective writing.
  5. Students should be able to ethically gather and synthesize information’s from a variety of written and electronic sources.
  6. Students should be able to synchronies technology with literature.
  7. Students will be prepared for higher education  and the wide range career in educational institution.
  8. Students will be able to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.
  9. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature. 

১. ছাত্রদের ঐতিহাসিক, রাজনৈতিক, ভৌগোলিক এবং সাংস্কৃতিক প্রেক্ষাপটের উল্লেখযোগ্য সংখ্যক প্রতিনিধিত্বমূলক সাহিত্য ও সাংস্কৃতিক পাঠ্যের সাথে পরিচিত হতে হবে।

২. ছাত্রদের একাধিক ধারায় সাহিত্য ও সাংস্কৃতিক পাঠ্যের পঠন এবং বিশ্লেষণের জন্য সমালোচনামূলক এবং তাত্ত্বিক পদ্ধতির প্রয়োগ করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত।

৩. শিক্ষার্থীদের বিভিন্ন সাহিত্য পাঠে উপস্থিত সমালোচনামূলক ধারণা, মূল্যবোধ এবং থিমগুলি সনাক্ত করতে, বিশ্লেষণ করতে, ব্যাখ্যা করতে এবং বর্ণনা করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত।

৪. ছাত্রদের বর্ণনামূলক লেখা, গবেষণাপত্র এবং প্রতিফলিত লেখা সহ বিভিন্ন বিন্যাসে বিশ্লেষণাত্মকভাবে লিখতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত।

৫. শিক্ষার্থীদের নৈতিকভাবে বিভিন্ন ধরনের লিখিত এবং ইলেকট্রনিক উৎস থেকে তথ্য সংগ্রহ ও সংশ্লেষ করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত।

৬. শিক্ষার্থীদের সাহিত্যের সাথে প্রযুক্তির সমন্বয় করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত।

৭. শিক্ষার্থীদের উচ্চ শিক্ষা এবং শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে বিস্তৃত কর্মজীবনের জন্য প্রস্তুত করা হবে।

৮. শিক্ষার্থীরা গদ্য, কবিতা, নাটক, ছোটগল্প ও উপন্যাসে বাংলা সাহিত্যের ব্যবহার ধর্ম, সমাজ, সংস্কৃতি এবং বিকাশ সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে।

৯. মধ্যযুগীয় এবং আধুনিক বাংলা সাহিত্যের মৌলিক পাঠ্যসূচী সম্পর্কে শিক্ষার্থীদের সচেতন করা।


বাংলা সাম্মানিক কোর্স



CC-1 : Bangla Sahityer Itihas (Prachin o Madhyajug)
  1. To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
  2. To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
  3. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
  4. To make students aware about the evolution of the history of Bengali Literature and Culture.
  5. To give the idea of the inextricable interconnection between Literature and Culture.
  6. To create a strong foundation of studying future course of literature
  7. Studying History of Bengali Literature helps students to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel. Our vision is to see our won literature, manifestation of our nationality transformation of content, form and style of writing technique through ages and indication of future direction in literature.

CC-2 : Madhyajuger Kabya o Kabita
  1. This course will help students acquire a sound foundation in the knowledge interested in Socio-economic and cultural history of medieval period of Bengal.
  2. Make students aware about Vaishnava and Shakta Religion and Philosophy and religious literature and social values of these times and Middle Bengali literature as such, in a socio-cultural perspective.
  3. provides insights on how oral literacy documents though greatly inadequate give a sense of realization of a multi-layered hierarchy within a socio-cultural pyramid.
  4. provides an understanding of the historiography and connection of the king’s patronizing authority and influence on a genre formation.
  5. To give basic ideas about the Vaishnava Padaval & Shakta Padavali on Medieval Period to the students.
  6. To make students aware about Vaishnava and Shakta Religion and Philosophy.
  7. To give basic ideas about Religious Literature and Social values of this form of Literature.

GE-1 (PAPER-1) Bangla Sahitya o Bangla Bhashar Itihas
  1. To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
  2. To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
  3. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
  4. To make students aware about the evolution of the history of Bengali Literature and Culture.
  5. To give the idea of the inextricable interconnection between Literature and Culture.
  6. To create a strong foundation of studying future course of literature
  7. helps students to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the Prose , poetry , drama , short story and novel.
  8. Study of origin of Bengali language is the most important. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali
  9. language origin from Indo-European or Aryan Family of Languages and changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  10. Student will be familiar with the aspect of the Bengali language including sounds, words, sentences and meaning.
  11. Study of Linguistics will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.


CC-3 : Bangla Sahityer Itihas (Aadhunik Yug)
  1. Studying History of Bengali Literature helps students to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.
  2. Our vision is to see our won literature, manifestation of our nationality transformation of content, form and style of writing technique through ages and indication of future direction in literature.
  3. Study of origin of Bengali language is the most important. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali language origin from Indo-European or Aryan Family of Languages and changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  4. Study of origin of Bengali language will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.

CC-4 : Bhasatatya o Bhashabijnan:
  1. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali language origin from Indo-European or Aryan Family of Languages and changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  2. Student will be familiar with the aspect of the Bengali language-including sounds, words, sentences and meaning.
  3. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali language changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  4. Study of Linguistics will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.

GE-1 (PAPER-2) : Chhanda-Alankara Parichay ebam Oitijyabahi Loksanskriti, Lokkriti o Lokmanan Parichiti
  1. To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  2. To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students.
  3. To prepare students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing.
  4. Introducing the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics.
  5. Introduce to the students about the aesthetics of language while studying Prosody.
  6. To make students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody.

AECC-2 (MIL BENGALI) : Nirbachita kabita, Golpo, Prabandha, Banganubad, IPA
  1. Students will be able to get a good idea about Bengali poems and short stories by different authors


CC-5 : Mangalkavya O Charita Sahitya
  1. To make students interested in Socio- Economic and cultural history of medieval period of Bengal.
  2. Will be able to acquire complete knowledge about Annadamangal, Chandimangal Kavya etc.
  3. Gain a thorough understanding of contemporary language, literary practice and various aspects of social life.

CC-6 : Chhanda o Alankar
  1. To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  2. To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students.
  3. To prepare students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing.
  4. Introducing the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics.

CC-7 : Unish Shataker Kavi o Kavya
  1. Bengali Poetry has been deeply influenced by the colonial modernism. Poets of this genre are Madhusudan Dutta, Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam to name a few.
  2. Post-colonial period has seen the emergence of poets in the modern, socialist and post-modern genre. In this course students get a comprehensive understanding about the poetry composed by the poets of such genres with a detailed knowledge of the twentieth century poetry, trends and intentions from Rabindranath to the later modern poets.
  3. Reading of transformation of imagery and development of other aesthetic trends and novel notations from a colonial perspective of renaissance.
  4. Understanding of semiotics in poetry through a post- colonial thread starting from the Modern poetry till late sixties.
  5. Analytical observations of Drama, symbolist tendencies, the changing means of communication in satire, wit and contemporary individual voices of protest, theme and history of new experiments.

SEC (Paper 1) : Bangla Byakaraner Mulsutra
  1. Student will be familiar with the aspect of the Bengali language-including sounds, words, sentences and meaning.
  2. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali language changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  3. Study of Linguistics will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.

GE-2 (PAPER-1) Bangla Sahitya o Bangla Bhashar Itihas
  1. To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
  2. To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
  3. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
  4. To make students aware about the evolution of the history of Bengali Literature and Culture.
  5. To give the idea of the inextricable interconnection between Literature and Culture.
  6. To create a strong foundation of studying future course of literature
  7. helps students to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the Prose , poetry , drama , short story and novel.
  8. Study of origin of Bengali language is the most important. Students will understand Bengali language in an historical context and they will learn how Bengali
  9. language origin from Indo-European or Aryan Family of Languages and changed over time and how it varies from situation to situation and place to place.
  10. Student will be familiar with the aspect of the Bengali language including sounds, words, sentences and meaning.
  11. Study of Linguistics will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.


CC-8 : Unish o Bish Shataker Natak
  1. Knowledge of different forms of drama, satire or theatre with its social background with special emphasis on contemporary political culture.
  2. Concept and impact of Proscenium theatre, folk opera, street theatre, farce and satirical dramas on women’s education, practice of Sati, widow remarriage, the prevalent social traditions and customs and their imposition on the liberal individual.

CC-9 : Unish o Bish Shataker Upanyas
  1. This Course deals with the forms and features of contemporary novels, aiming at introducing the student to the analysis of a novel as a relatively long work of narrative fiction in prose and imparting a more mature understanding to the students about the challenging issues of the contemporary such as conflicts of interests between the society and the individual, the socio-cultural canopy of casteism, religious taboos, women’s position in the Bengali household, environmental issues and people’s struggle for socio-economic and political existence Upanyas.
  2. Introducing and analysis a novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction in prose.

CC-10: Unish o Bish Shataker Kavita
  1. Reading of transformation of imagery and development of other aesthetic trends and novel notations from a colonial perspective of renaissance.
  2. Understanding of semiotics in poetry through a post- colonial thread starting from the Modern poetry till late sixties.

SEC (Paper 2) : Byabaharik Bangla Charcha
  1. Students will be able to improve their Bengali grammar, translation and writing skills.

GE-2 (PAPER-2) : Chhanda-Alankara Parichay ebam Oitijyabahi Loksanskriti, Lokkriti o Lokmanan Parichiti
  1. To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  2. To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students.
  3. To prepare students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing.
  4. Introducing the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics.
  5. Introduce to the students about the aesthetics of language while studying Prosody.
  6. To make students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody.


CC-11 : Bish Shataker Dui Ardher Upanyas
  1. This Course deals with the Forms and features of contemporary novels,
  2. introducing the student to the analysis of a novel as a relatively long work of narrative fiction in prose
  3. imparting a more mature understanding to the students about the challenging issues of the contemporary such as conflicts of interests between the society and the individual, the socio-cultural canopy of caste system, religious taboos, women’s position in the Bengali household, environmental issues and people’s struggle for socio-economic and political existence.

CC-12 : Bangla Chotogolpo
  1. Story writing based on some plot; cinema and television script writing, dialogue writing, editing, screen play.
  2. Correct pronunciation of Bengali words, rhyming and recitation
  3. Introducing the inter-relation between cinema and literature.

DSE-1A : Unish Bish Shataker Nirbachita Prabandha
  1. To impart knowledge of the emergence and growth of the essay, arguments, discourses, subjective perspectives from mid-19th century to 20th century.
  2. To know linguistic and psychological tendencies of the 19th century, essays, categories of journalist views, reporting, personal essays, diary entries
  3. To know the transitional phases during the World wars and other adversities which involves new experimentations in form and narratives on fascist tendencies and xenophobic attitude towards the colonized, cultural hegemony and diversity.


DSE-1B : Bangla Upanyas - Udbhav o Kramavikash
DSE-2A : Bangla Chotogolpo - Udbhav o Kramavikash


DSE-2B : Bangla Chotogolpo - Tarashankar o Manik Bandyopadhyaya
  1. To introduce the students about story writing based on some plot; cinema and television script writing, dialogue writing, editing, screen play.
  2. To learn correct pronunciation of Bengali words, rhyming and recitation.


CC-13 : Sanskrit, Hindi O Ingreji Sahiyer Itihas
  1. helps in learning about the evolution of literature in other Indian languages that have had a profound influence on the socio-cultural formations in India since early times and have also enriched Bengali language and literature.
  2. students gain knowledge about a comprehensive knowledge of comparative analysis of the Sanskrit Literature, along with English literature and main cultural trends.

CC-14 : Sahitya Tattwa
  1. The course is an organised methodology for achieving knowledge of how to interpret poems, concepts of Rhetoric and Prosody. It discusses verses and early songs, the history of the evolution of lyric poetry, ballads and experiments withdifferent genres. The course
  2. makes students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody, practical learning and importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  3. gives them a thorough insight into the middle Bengali Language and literary culture, theories of rhetoric and prosody and analytical concept.
  4. prepares students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing, different intonations of speech.
  5. introduces the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics and the aesthetics of language while studying Prosody.
  6. Enables the understanding of different opinions related to diction, syntax and language of a literary genre, history of construction of the literary theories in Poetics.

DSE-3A : Patrasahitya o Atmajibani
  1. This is an enriching course which enhances students’ knowledge of biographies, autobiographies and letters as separate form of literature which may help to inculcate the characters of a personality.


DSE-3B : Bangla Kavya Natak, Upanyas Chotogolpo
  1. helps students to know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.

DSE-4A : Lokosangskriti O Lokosahitya
  1. This course imparts a good knowledge of folklore, folk culture and a general overview of contemporary folk culture and history that would help students secure a broader horizon of depth and understanding to qualify for various competitive exams in Law, multimedia, Civil Service and other disciplines.


DSE-4B : Bangla Kalpabijnan o Goyenda Kahini
  1. Students get a thorough knowledge about the origin and development of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Murder Mystery , Thrillers and Detective Stories in Bengali Language.
  2. Students can understand the different socio-political times of Bengal through the stories.

বাংলা সাধারণ কোর্স



DSC-PAPER-1 : Bangla Sahityer O Bangla Bhashar Itihas
  1. To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
  2. To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
  3. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
  4. To make students aware about the evolution of the history of Bengali Literature and Culture.
  5. To give the idea of the inextricable interconnection between Literature and Culture.
  6. To create a strong foundation of studying future course of literature.
  7. To know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.
  8. Study of origin of Bengali Language will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.

LLC-1-PAPER 1- : Rachana Prastutkaran
  1. To improve and acquire different writing skills in Bengali language.


DSC-PAPER-2 : Chhanda o Alankar
  1. To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  2. To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students.
  3. To prepare students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing.
  4. Introducing the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics.
  5. Introduce to the students about the aesthetics of language while studying Prosody.
  6. To make students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody.

AECC-2 (MIL BENGALI) : Nirbachita kabita, Golpo, Prabandha, Banganubad, IPA
  1. Students will be able to get a good idea about Bengali poems and short stories by different authors.


DSC-PAPER-3 : Madhyajuger Padabali O Bangla Lokosahitya Charcha
  1. comprises of Vaishnava Padavali and Shakta Padavali and traces the transformation of society, culture and religious formations of Bengal in the medieval period of Bengal.
  2. help students acquire a sound foundation in the knowledge interested in Socio-economic and cultural history of medieval period of Bengal.
  3. make students aware about Vaishnava and Shakta Religion and Philosophy and religious literature and social values of these times and Middle Bengali literature as such, in a socio-cultural perspective.
  4. provides insights on how oral literacy documents though greatly inadequate give a sense of realization of a multi-layered hierarchy within a socio-cultural pyramid.
  5. provides an understanding of the historiography and connection of the king’s patronizing authority and influence on a genre formation.
  6. To give basic ideas about the Vaishnava Padavali & Shakta Padavali on Medieval Period to the students.
  7. To make students aware about Vaishnava and Shakta Religion and Philosophy.
  8. To give basic ideas about Religious Literature and Social values of this form of Literature.

SEC-1 (DSC-Bengali as 1st Subject)-PAPER 1- : Byabaharik Bangla Charcha - Bijnyapaner Bhasa
  1. To know about the language, diction, grammar of advertisement and its different channels of dissemination in Bengali language.

LLC-1-PAPER 2- : Bangla Byakaran
  1. To know and develop the usage of grammar and grammatical skills in Bengali language.


DSC-PAPER-4 : Rabindranather Kavita O dhunik Kavita
  1. Reading of transformation of imagery and development of other aesthetic trends and novel notations from a colonial perspective of renaissance.
  2. Understanding of semiotics in poetry through a post- colonial thread starting from the Modern poetry till late sixties.

SEC-1 (DSC-Bengali as 1st Subject)-PAPER 2- : Srijan Mulak Likhan Charcha
  1. To improve and acquire different writing skills regarding creative writing in Bengali language.


DSE-1A, PAPER -1 (DSC-Bengali) : Bangla Upanyas - Udbav O Kramavikash
  1. To know the socio-economic, cultural, political and different movement of 19th century and 20th century Bengal.
  2. To understand the theme of two remarkable social novels of Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya and Saratchandra Chattopadhyaya.


DSE-1B, PAPER -1 (DSC-Bengali) : Bangla Chotogolpo - Udbhav o Kramavikash
  1. To understand story writing based on some plot; cinema and television script writing, dialogue writing, editing, screen play
  2. To know correct pronunciation of Bengali words, rhyming and recitation the interrelation between cinema and literature
  3. To know linguistic and psychological tendencies of the 19th century, essays, categories of journalist views, reporting, personal essays, diary entries the transitional phases during the World wars and other adversities which
  4. Involves new experimentations in form and narratives on fascist tendencies and xenophobic attitude towards the colonized, cultural hegemony and diversity.

SEC-2 (DSC-Bengali as 2st Subject)-PAPER 1- : Byabaharik Bangla Charcha - Bijnyapaner Bhasa
  1. To know about the language, diction, grammar of advertisement and its different channels of dissemination in Bengali language.

GE - PAPER 1 (Bengali as Third Subject) : Bangla Sahityer O Bangla Bhashar Itihas
  1. To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
  2. To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
  3. To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
  4. To make students aware about the evolution of the history of Bengali Literature and Culture.
  5. To give the idea of the inextricable interconnection between Literature and Culture.
  6. To create a strong foundation of studying future course of literature.
  7. To know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.
  8. Study of origin of Bengali Language will also help in making the foundation of language stranger and will improve the practical and intellectual skills.


DSE-2A, PAPER-2 (DSC-Bengali) : Bangla Kavya, Natak, Upanyas, Chhotogolpo
  1. To know about Religion, Society, Culture and development of the Bengali Literature use in the prose, poetry, drama, short story and novel.


DSE-2B, PAPER -2 (DSC-Bengali) : Bangla Kalpa Vijnan O Goyenda Kahini
  1. Students get a thorough knowledge about the origin and development of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Murder Mystery , Thrillers and Detective Stories in Bengali Language.
  2. Students can understand the different socio-political times of Bengal through the stories.

SEC-2 (DSC-Bengali as 2st Subject)-PAPER 2- : Srijan Mulak Likhan Charcha
  1. To improve and acquire different writing skills regarding creative writing in Bengali language.

GE - PAPER 2 (Bengali as Third Subject) : Chhanda-Alankara Parichay ebam Oitijyabahi Loksanskriti, Lokkriti o Lokmanan Parichiti
  1. To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
  2. To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students.
  3. To prepare students about the ornamental use of language in constructing sentences while speaking and writing.
  4. Introducing the foundation of Prosody along with the basic knowledge of Linguistics.
  5. Introduce to the students about the aesthetics of language while studying Prosody.
  6. To make students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody.


1 91805010075 AMAR ROY 1950 1298 66.56 B+ 6.91
2 91805010091 AMIT ROY 1950 1140 58.46 B+ 6.04
3 91805010102 ANAMIKA MANDAL 1950 1293 66.31 B+ 6.97
4 91805010103 ANAMIKA ROY 1950 1253 64.26 B+ 6.74
5 91805010107 ANAMIKA SARKAR 1950 1290 66.15 B+ 6.97
6 91805010111 ANANYA ROY 1950 1330 68.21 A 7.14
7 91805010150 ANJANA SUTRADHAR 1950 1268 65.03 B+ 6.85
8 91805010162 ANOYAR HOSSAIN 1950 1111 56.97 B+ 6.06
9 91805010173 ANURADHA ROY 1950 1362 69.85 A 7.41
10 91805010327 BHABANI ROY 1950 1283 65.79 B+ 6.88
11 91805010440 BISHNU ROY 1950 1267 64.97 B+ 6.71
12 91805010471 BUDDHADEB ROY 1950 1235 63.33 B+ 6.55
13 91805010484 CHAMPA GHOSH 1950 1424 73.03 A 7.69
14 91805010508 CHANDRIKA GHOSH 1950 1382 70.87 A 7.39
15 91805010547 DEBASHISH DAS 1950 1302 66.77 B+ 6.99
16 91805010569 DHANANAJAY ROY 1950 1354 69.44 A 7.34
17 91805010570 DHANANJAY BARMAN 1950 1253 64.26 B+ 6.86
18 91805010598 DIPA DAS 1950 1228 62.97 B+ 6.68
19 91805010630 DIPANWITA ROY 1950 1217 62.41 B+ 6.64
20 91805010659 DIPTI DUTTA 1950 1345 68.97 A 7.4
21 91805010660 DIPTI DUTTA 1950 1235 63.33 B+ 6.58
22 91805010672 DONA BASAK 1950 1373 70.41 A 7.37
23 91805010753 HASINA KHATUN 1950 1323 67.85 A 7.21
24 91805010754 HASINA PARVIN 1950 1243 63.74 B+ 6.65
25 91805010823 JAYANTA  ROY 1950 1234 63.28 B+ 6.64
26 91805010836 JAYANTIKA BHADURY 1950 1240 63.59 B+ 6.76
27 91805010845 JEWEL DAS 1950 1240 63.59 B+ 6.64
28 91805010967 KEYA ROY 1950 1312 67.28 A 7.09
29 91805010969 KEYA ROY 1950 1233 63.23 B+ 6.64
30 91805010994 KRISHNA DUTTA 1950 1270 65.13 B+ 6.84
31 91805011039 LAXMI DAS 1950 1270 65.13 B+ 6.96
32 91805011052 LIPIKA BASAK 1950 1221 62.62 B+ 6.6
33 91805011074 MADHABI DAKUA 1950 1287 66.00 B+ 6.96
34 91805011094 MAITRI SARKAR 1950 1302 66.77 A 7.01
35 91805011147 MAMUNI PARVIN 1950 1182 60.62 B+ 6.35
36 91805011199 MASTANA PARVIN 1950 1282 65.74 B+ 6.96
37 91805011264 MOULI DUTTA 1950 1249 64.05 B+ 6.66
38 91805011274 MOUMITA ROY 1950 1136 58.26 B+ 6.18
39 91805011368 NIBEDITA GHOSH 1950 1249 64.05 B+ 6.8
40 91805011370 NIBEDITA ROY 1950 1295 66.41 A 7.06
41 91805011383 NIMA SARKAR 1950 1232 63.18 B+ 6.6
42 91805011402 NISHITH BISWAS 1950 1183 60.67 B+ 6.31
43 91805011427 PAKHI SARKAR 1950 1253 64.26 B+ 6.84
44 91805011429 PALASH MANDAL 1950 1175 60.26 B+ 6.17
45 91805011462 PANKAJ SARKAR 1950 1163 59.64 B+ 6.19
46 91805011542 PRABHAT SHIL 1950 1237 63.44 B+ 6.69
47 91805011560 PRANAY MANDAL 1950 1133 58.10 B 5.99
48 91805011596 PRITI BARMAN PRAMANIK 1950 1333 68.36 A 7.19
49 91805011598 PRITI KARJEE 1950 1205 61.79 B+ 6.49
50 91805011610 PRIYA MITRA 1950 1230 63.08 B+ 6.59
51 91805011639 PRIYANKA ROY 1950 1246 63.90 B+ 6.89
52 91805011659 PROLLYAD MANDAL 1950 1205 61.79 B+ 6.44
53 91805011693 PULAK SIL 1950 1252 64.21 B+ 6.75
54 91805011760 RAJESH RAY 1950 1201 61.59 B+ 6.42
55 91805011767 RAJIB SAIBYA 1950 1214 62.26 B+ 6.5
56 91805011822 RAMPROSAD BARMAN 1950 1431 73.38 A 7.74
57 91805011827 RANI BEGAM 1950 1231 63.13 B+ 6.67
58 91805011873 REKHA ROY 1950 1250 64.10 B+ 6.84
59 91805011875 REKHA SHIL 1950 1496 76.72 A+ 8.16
60 91805011879 RESHMI ORAON 1950 1277 65.49 B+ 6.96
61 91805011882 RESHMI PARVIN 1950 1276 65.44 B+ 6.86
62 91805011925 RINKU HALDAR 1950 1222 62.67 B+ 6.67
63 91805011926 RINKU LASKAR 1950 1278 65.54 B+ 6.91
64 91805011939 RITA ROY 1950 1216 62.36 B+ 6.54
65 91805011958 RIYA MAJUMDER 1950 1420 72.82 A 7.79
66 91805011993 RUKSHANA PARVIN 1950 1174 60.21 B+ 6.36
67 91805012030 RUPSANA PARVIN 1950 1264 64.82 B+ 6.87
68 91805012133 SAMPA MAJUMDAR 1950 1258 64.51 B+ 6.79
69 91805012165 SANDIPA SAKHARI 1950 1168 59.90 B+ 6.32
70 91805012194 SANJIB DAS 1950 1251 64.15 B+ 6.79
71 91805012205 SANJITA PAUL 1950 1248 64.00 B+ 6.76
72 91805012304 SHIKHA ROY 1950 1311 67.23 A 7.13
73 91805012331 SHUBHANKAR  SARKAR 1950 1284 65.85 B+ 6.96
74 91805012347 SIKHA KARJEE 1950 1144 58.67 B+ 6.32
75 91805012363 SOHEL DAS 1950 1309 67.13 A 7.09
76 91805012396 SOURAV DUTTA 1950 1211 62.10 B+ 6.48
77 91805012400 SOURAV ROY 1950 1282 65.74 B+ 6.84
78 91805012539 SULTANA PARVIN 1950 1202 61.64 B+ 6.43
79 91805012547 SUMAN MITRA 1950 1246 63.90 B+ 6.73
80 91805012573 SUNITI ORAON 1950 1248 64.00 B+ 6.74
81 91805012583 SUPRIYA ROY 1950 1317 67.54 A 7.15
82 91805012588 SURAJ ROY 1950 1126 57.74 B+ 6.12
83 91805012630 SUSMITA MALLICK 1950 1441 73.90 A 7.8
84 91805012670 SWEETY SAHA 1950 1352 69.33 A 7.39
85 91805012689 TANUSHREE GHOSH 1950 1314 67.38 A 7.11


1 91805010162 ANOYAR HOSSAIN 52.27 5.73 B
2 91905010078 PRIYAM KUMAR KARMAKAR 55.20 5.85 B
3 91905010089 MANAB BARMAN 57.87 6.00 B
4 91905010036 MD ALIZABED HOSSAIN 61.87 6.27 B+
5 91905010081 SUPARNA GHOSH 64.00 6.38 B+
6 91905010058 SUSMITA ROY 60.53 6.42 B+
7 91805012347 SIKHA KARJEE 59.47 6.50 B+
8 91905010091 CHAMPA ROY 60.53 6.54 B+
9 91905010097 LUCKY PARVEEN 64.27 6.54 B+
10 91905010082 SUJATA BHOWAL 66.40 6.77 B+
11 91905010095 RAKHI ROY 64.27 6.77 B+
12 91905010025 PURABI ROY 68.00 6.85 B+
13 91905010045 RUMI DEY 66.13 6.85 B+
14 91905010067 SATYAJIT ROY 65.87 6.85 B+
15 91905010085 SMITA SINHA 65.07 6.85 B+
16 91905010024 TITIKSHA ROY 66.13 6.88 B+
17 91805010845 JEWEL DAS 64.27 6.92 B+
18 91905010037 BANKIM SARKAR 68.53 6.92 B+
19 91905010059 NIKITA DUTTA 64.53 6.92 B+
20 91805012396 SOURAV DUTTA 64.27 6.96 B+
21 91905010018 ANUSHREE PAUL 66.67 6.96 B+
22 91905010035 SOMA MANDAL 68.27 7.04 B+
23 91905010020 RABINA PARVIN 68.53 7.08 B+
24 91905010030 BRAJANATH ROY 67.20 7.08 B+
25 91905010040 SUPARNA PRODHAN 67.47 7.08 B+
26 91905010065 SOMA SEN 68.53 7.08 B+
27 91905010066 SWAPNA SARKAR 68.80 7.08 B+
28 91905010080 POLY DUTTA 69.07 7.08 B+
29 91905010098 SUPRIYA SARKAR 68.53 7.08 B+
30 91905010069 SUBRATA ROY 71.20 7.15 A
31 91905010044 MANISHA SARKAR 69.33 7.19 A
32 91905010090 KANAN ROY 65.87 7.23 A
33 91905010014 BHAGYASHREE ROY 68.80 7.31 A
34 91905010032 BHAIRABI ADHIKARY 70.93 7.31 A
35 91905010039 MALLIKA BARMAN 70.13 7.31 A
36 91905010049 MALLICKA DAS 70.40 7.31 A
37 91905010072 TUMPA ROY 70.67 7.31 A
38 91905010074 MADHURIMA SEN 69.87 7.31 A
39 91905010076 BIKASH SARKAR 68.53 7.31 A
40 91905010084 SUMAN SARKAR 69.33 7.31 A
41 91905010086 JHUMA SARKAR 72.27 7.31 A
42 91905010088 BISHNU ROY 68.80 7.31 A
43 91905010093 AMIT KUMAR BISWAS 68.80 7.31 A
44 91905010004 ROSLIYAN BASUMATA 71.20 7.38 A
45 91905010006 NIPA MAJUMDAR 72.53 7.38 A
46 91905010046 JAYANTA SARKAR 72.00 7.38 A
47 91905010063 SUSMITA SARKAR 70.40 7.38 A
48 91905010068 SHRITIKA BISWAS 72.27 7.38 A
49 91905010015 MAYA ROY 72.27 7.42 A
50 91905010094 SUBRATA MITRA 68.53 7.46 A
51 91905010083 RIMA MODAK 70.93 7.50 A
52 91905010008 TANUSHREE ADHIKARI 74.40 7.54 A
53 91905010012 ANAMIKA BARMAN 73.07 7.54 A
54 91905010022 RAKHI ROY 73.87 7.54 A
55 91905010026 DOLAN ROY 73.07 7.54 A
56 91905010041 MUKTA PARVIN 71.73 7.54 A
57 91905010055 SANGITA ROY 71.47 7.54 A
58 91905010070 FARHEEN SULTANA 73.07 7.54 A
59 91905010071 SULTANA PARVIN 72.53 7.54 A
60 91905010033 FIROZ ALAM 73.60 7.62 A
61 91905010021 MD SAMIM ALI 72.00 7.69 A
62 91905010060 NIBEDITA ROY 73.60 7.69 A
63 91905010064 MALLIKA ROY 71.20 7.69 A
64 91905010007 MANABENDRA NATH ROY 74.40 7.77 A
65 91905010010 DIPANNITA SARKAR 72.00 7.77 A
66 91905010011 SHANTI ROY 76.00 7.77 A
67 91905010023 JABA ROY 76.00 7.77 A
68 91905010031 SRABANI MANDAL 74.13 7.77 A
69 91905010050 MOUSUMI ROY 74.67 7.77 A
70 91905010054 SNEHA MALLICK 75.20 7.77 A
71 91905010056 SUJATA SARKAR 75.20 7.77 A
72 91905010057 DIPIKA ROY 73.87 7.77 A
73 91905010001 HEMLATA SARKAR 75.73 7.85 A
74 91905010005 TASLIMA KHATUN 73.60 7.85 A
75 91905010038 BISHNUDEB BARMAN 76.00 7.85 A
76 91905010048 ANAMIKA DAS 74.67 7.85 A
77 91905010009 PRIYA BEGAM 75.47 8.00 A
78 91905010016 PUSPITA ROY 75.47 8.00 A
79 91905010017 MANIDIPA KUNDU 76.27 8.00 A
80 91905010027 RUMPA KHATUN 74.67 8.00 A
81 91905010028 SUSMITA ROY 76.53 8.00 A
82 91905010051 JAYDEB BARMAN 74.13 8.00 A
83 91905010053 BHAIRABI ROY 75.20 8.00 A
84 91905010002 PAYEL DEBNATH 76.00 8.08 A
85 91905010003 BITHIKA ROY 76.53 8.08 A
86 91905010013 PRATIK SARKAR 76.27 8.08 A
87 91905010019 SATABDI ROY 78.13 8.08 A
88 91905010042 PRIYANKA BARMAN 74.93 8.08 A
89 91905010062 SUMANA DAS 77.33 8.08 A


1 9193562767 BABLI BEGAM 800 330 41.25 II
2 9193562754 RAHUL ROY 800 344 43.00 II
3 9193562560 SHIKHA SARKAR 800 345 43.13 II
4 9193562723 BIMAL SARKAR 800 346 43.25 II
5 9193562531 MRINALINI ROY 800 351 43.88 II
6 9193562721 SAYANI DAS 800 356 44.50 II
7 9193562555 SANTANA ROY 800 357 44.63 II
8 9193562669 MOUMITA DATTA 800 358 44.75 II
9 9193562746 MANJURI MUNDA 800 359 44.88 II
10 9193562755 ADESH LAKRA 800 361 45.13 II
11 9193562685 KANAKLATA MONDAL 800 370 46.25 II
12 9193562649 SHILPI ROY 800 372 46.50 II
13 9193562686 ANAMIKA DATTA 800 378 47.25 II
14 9193562710 PAMPA SARKAR 800 379 47.38 II
15 9193562747 BABLI DAS 800 384 48.00 II
16 9193562715 RIYA ROY 800 385 48.13 II
17 9193562596 PUNAM MANDAL 800 386 48.25 II
18 9193562697 GOPA KANTHA 800 388 48.50 II
19 9193562739 MANISHA SAHA 800 388 48.50 II
20 9193562572 ANKITA DAS 800 389 48.63 II
21 9193562699 TAPAN ROY 800 389 48.63 II
22 9193562528 MAYARANI MANDAL 800 390 48.75 II
23 9193562648 AYAN ROY 800 391 48.88 II
24 9193562720 PRIYA DATTA 800 391 48.88 II
25 9193562601 SURAJ DUTTA 800 394 49.25 II
26 9193562643 BABLI ROY 800 397 49.63 II
27 9193562667 MRINMAYEE BARMAN 800 397 49.63 II
28 9193562532 NARGISH PARVIN 800 399 49.88 II
29 9193562698 SUBHANKAR BARMAN 800 401 50.13 II
30 9193562656 RAJA ROY 800 405 50.63 II
31 9193562628 MANOSHI ROY 800 407 50.88 II
32 9193562591 MOUMITA SARKAR 800 410 51.25 II
33 9193562605 RUPSHA DUTTA 800 414 51.75 II
34 9193562663 KOYEL MALLICK 800 415 51.88 II
35 9193562593 SHARMISTHA DAS 800 419 52.38 II
36 9193562712 DONA GHOSH 800 421 52.63 II
37 9193562558 SATYAJIT ROY 800 424 53.00 II
38 9193562658 BARNALI GOPE 800 426 53.25 II
39 9193562600 DOLON BASAK 800 429 53.63 II
40 9193562687 SUSMITA HORE 800 430 53.75 II
41 9193562682 PUJA SAHA 800 432 54.00 II
42 9193562585 SUCHITRA ROY 800 435 54.38 II
43 9193562708 MOUMITA ROY 800 435 54.38 II
44 9193562716 SURAVI ROY 800 436 54.50 II
45 9193562581 RITA BISWAS 800 437 54.63 II
46 9193562548 SABUJ BISWAS 800 441 55.13 II
47 9193562700 MITA SARKAR 800 443 55.38 II
48 9193562752 SOURAV ROY 800 444 55.50 II
49 9193562733 PIJUSH BASAK 800 448 56.00 II
50 9193562587 PRIYANKA SARKAR 800 449 56.13 II
51 9193562692 SAPTAM BHUIMALI 800 462 57.75 II
52 9193562574 SWAPAN ROY 800 471 58.88 II
53 9193562654 AMIT MANDAL 800 473 59.13 II


1 9163500043 Mouli Barman 800 326 40.75 II
2 9153500005 Akram Hossain 800 332 41.50 II
3 9163500101 Taslima Khatun 800 337 42.13 II
4 9143500055 Prasanta Sarkar 800 347 43.38 II
5 9143500007 Asit Roy 800 352 44.00 II
6 9163500090 Shipra Sarkar 800 355 44.38 II
7 9153500070 Ramanath Barman 800 355 44.38 II
8 9163500036 Laxmi Paul 800 357 44.63 II
9 9163500035 Laxmi Bala roy 800 361 45.13 II
10 9163500072 Ricky Sarkar 800 362 45.25 II
11 9163500085 Satyabati Roy 800 363 45.38 II
12 9163500093 Supriya Roy 800 363 45.38 II
13 9153500038 Mallika Roy 800 366 45.75 II
14 9163500058 Payel Roy 800 368 46.00 II
15 9153500027 Gobinda Sarkar 800 368 46.00 II
16 9143500005 Anjali Barman 800 368 46.00 II
17 9163500022 Eshita Khanam 800 373 46.63 II
18 9153500061 Payel Dutta 800 373 46.63 II
19 9163500015 Chandani Roy 800 375 46.88 II
20 9163500071 Ranjit Roy 800 379 47.38 II
21 9163500087 Sayani Kundu 800 380 47.50 II
22 9163500049 Nandita Roy 800 381 47.63 II
23 9163500044 Moumita Basak 800 385 48.13 II
24 9153500026 Diptashree Roy 800 386 48.25 II
25 9163500028 Jaharlal Roy 800 389 48.63 II
26 9163500025 Hasina Banu 800 391 48.88 II
27 9163500081 Sanchita Roy 800 391 48.88 II
28 9163500079 Sampa Roy 800 392 49.00 II
29 9163500051 Nibedita Roy 800 393 49.13 II
30 9163500045 Mousumi Ghosh 800 394 49.25 II
31 9163500065 Probika Roy 800 395 49.38 II
32 9153500039 Mamoni Roy 800 396 49.50 II
33 9153500085 Sujit Basak 800 397 49.63 II
34 9163500056 Nurjabban 800 398 49.75 II
35 9163500047 Mukta Begam 800 400 50.00 II
36 9143500028 Jahangir Alam 800 400 50.00 II
37 9163500066 Puja Basak 800 401 50.13 II
38 9163500063 Priyanka Ghosh 800 403 50.38 II
39 9153500057 Nursid Alam 800 404 50.50 II
40 9143500054 Pooja Ghosh 800 404 50.50 II
41 9163500031 Jesmin Firdoshi 800 405 50.63 II
42 9153500056 Nur Alam Hoque 800 405 50.63 II
43 9153500086 Supriya Das 800 405 50.63 II
44 9163500097 Taniya Sarkar 800 406 50.75 II
45 9163500026 Tfat Batul 800 408 51.00 II
46 9163500091 Subhankar Dutta 800 408 51.00 II
47 9163500019 Debjani Ghosh 800 410 51.25 II
48 9163500042 Monalisa Roy 800 410 51.25 II
49 9163500048 Nandini Talukdar 800 413 51.63 II
50 9163500074 Rupa Dutta 800 414 51.75 II
51 9153500058 Pabitra Roy 800 414 51.75 II
52 9153500066 Prosenjit Roy 800 414 51.75 II
53 9163500018 Debashis Sarkar 800 415 51.88 II
54 9163500064 Priyanka Modak 800 416 52.00 II
55 9163500096 Susmita Roy 800 417 52.13 II
56 9163500023 Gita Saha 800 418 52.25 II
57 9163500012 Biki Barman 800 419 52.38 II
58 9143500047 Nityananda Roy 800 421 52.63 II
59 9163500016 Chumki Bhattacherjee 800 422 52.75 II
60 9163500009 Banashree Das 800 423 52.88 II
61 9163500029 Jamuna Roy 800 424 53.00 II
62 9163500039 Mantosh Biswas 800 426 53.25 II
63 9143500017 Bishnu Sarkar 800 426 53.25 II
64 9163500005 Archana Das 800 427 53.38 II
65 9163500059 Pijush Sarkar 800 427 53.38 II
66 9163500103 Koushik Das 800 427 53.38 II
67 9163500013 Chaitali Dutta 800 432 54.00 II
68 9163500060 Prabir Sarkar 800 437 54.63 II
69 9163500004 Aparna Barman 800 438 54.75 II
70 9163500080 Sanaka Mondal 800 440 55.00 II
71 9163500037 Malay Kumar Roy 800 443 55.38 II
72 9163500055 Nur Banu 800 443 55.38 II
73 9163500104 Manju Sarkar 800 444 55.50 II
74 9163500001 Abhijit Paul 800 446 55.75 II
75 9163500030 Jayita Roy 800 449 56.13 II
76 9163500062 Priyanka Adhikary 800 449 56.13 II
77 9163500068 Putul Roy 800 450 56.25 II
78 9163500092 Sulekha Roy 800 451 56.38 II
79 9163500003 Anna Roy 800 453 56.63 II
80 9163500017 Chumki Ghosh 800 457 57.13 II
81 9163500105 Soma Dutta 800 457 57.13 II
82 9163500038 Mamni Begam 800 458 57.25 II
83 9163500010 Bidhan Roy 800 460 57.50 II
84 9163500067 Puspita Roy 800 471 58.88 II


1 9153500021 Chandan Sarkar 800 320 40.00 II
2 9153500042 Mandira Roy 800 320 40.00 II
3 9153500078 Sangram Sikder 800 320 40.00 II
4 9153500086 Supriya Das 800 320 40.00 II
5 9143500036 Mahadeb Roy 800 326 40.75 II
6 9153500018 Bharati Minjee 800 327 40.88 II
7 9153500051 Neepa Chakraborty 800 327 40.88 II
8 9143500003 Ananta Kr. Siddha 800 328 41.00 II
9 9153500091 Tania Ghosh 800 330 41.25 II
10 9153500043 Manisha Harijan 800 332 41.50 II
11 9133500070 Sanjib Barman 800 342 42.75 II
12 9153500053 Nikita Dutta 800 344 43.00 II
13 9143500001 Akash Saha 800 346 43.25 II
14 9153500023 Debi Dhor 800 347 43.38 II
15 9143500029 Jayathry Chakraborty 800 349 43.63 II
16 9153500031 Jabaidul Islam 800 350 43.75 II
17 9153500074 Rubi Roy 800 351 43.88 II
18 9153500010 Ankita Ghosh 800 352 44.00 II
19 9153500028 Gopal Sarkar 800 352 44.00 II
20 9153500048 Mukta Roy 800 354 44.25 II
21 9143500046 Nirupama Roy 800 354 44.25 II
22 9153500035 Kalpana Karjee 800 355 44.38 II
23 9153500040 Mampi Barman 800 358 44.75 II
24 9143500042 Monika Roy 800 358 44.75 II
25 9153500060 Parth Sarkar 800 364 45.50 II
26 9153500041 Mamuni Roy 800 365 45.63 II
27 9143500008 Avijit Paul 800 365 45.63 II
28 9153500030 Ilora Das 800 366 45.75 II
29 9153500003 Ajoy Sen 800 367 45.88 II
30 9143500009 Babi Roy Basunia 800 369 46.13 II
31 9153500009 Ankita Biswas 800 371 46.38 II
32 9153500089 Susmita Roy 800 374 46.75 II
33 9153500059 Palash Roy 800 375 46.88 II
34 9153500064 Priya Paul 800 375 46.88 II
35 9153500071 Rekha Saibya 800 376 47.00 II
36 9143500019 Chinmay Roy 800 376 47.00 II
37 9153500016 Banti Roy 800 378 47.25 II
38 9153500011 Anupam Saha 800 381 47.63 II
39 9153500044 Mintija Khatun 800 382 47.75 II
40 9153500077 Sangita Mallick 800 382 47.75 II
41 9153500082 Sima Das 800 383 47.88 II
42 9153500093 Tapashi Shil 800 383 47.88 II
43 9153500020 Bipasha Sarkar 800 385 48.13 II
44 9153500025 Dipannita Barman 800 385 48.13 II
45 9153500055 Nilima Roy 800 385 48.13 II
46 9153500013 Aparna Sarkar 800 386 48.25 II
47 9153500062 Pramila Sarkar 800 386 48.25 II
48 9153500052 Nibedita Basunia 800 388 48.50 II
49 9153500092 Tapan Roy 800 388 48.50 II
50 9143500149 Sabina Yasmin 800 389 48.63 II
51 9153500081 Sayanwita Das 800 390 48.75 II
52 9153500015 Babita Roy 800 391 48.88 II
53 9153500017 Beauti Begam 800 392 49.00 II
54 9153500069 Raja Ali 800 393 49.13 II
55 9143500067 Sahebul Hoque 800 393 49.13 II
56 9153500050 Nargis Parvin 800 395 49.38 II
57 9153500068 Purnima Das 800 397 49.63 II
58 9153500032 Jharna Dutta 800 398 49.75 II
59 9153500072 Rinku Ghosh 800 399 49.88 II
60 9153500063 Piyali Majumder 800 400 50.00 II
61 9153500073 Roma Sarkar 800 400 50.00 II
62 9143500066 Saddam HOssain 800 400 50.00 II
63 9153500084 Subhadip Paul 800 401 50.13 II
64 9153500047 Mrityunjoy Roy 800 402 50.25 II
65 9153500012 Aparna Roy 800 404 50.50 II
66 9153500033 Jhuma Saha 800 404 50.50 II
67 9153500080 Satarupa Sarkar 800 404 50.50 II
68 9153500087 Sushmita Ghosh 800 404 50.50 II
69 9143500055 Prasanta Sarkar 800 405 50.63 II
70 9153500024 Dibakar Barman 800 406 50.75 II
71 9153500076 Sananda Roy 800 407 50.88 II
72 9153500079 Santosh Paul 800 408 51.00 II
73 9153500019 Bhaswati Roy 800 414 51.75 II
74 9153500022 Chandrima Barma 800 414 51.75 II
75 9153500088 Susmita Biswas 800 416 52.00 II
76 9133500023 Dipak Roy 800 419 52.38 II
77 9153500083 Sourav Paul 800 421 52.63 II
78 9153500008 Anita Das 800 422 52.75 II
79 9153500014 Arpita Dutta 800 424 53.00 II
80 9153500065 Priyanka Basak 800 430 53.75 II
81 9153500007 Anima Basak 800 433 54.13 II
82 9153500054 Nandita Mallick 800 457 57.13 II

1st Semester(Honours)

Sl. No.

College ID


College Roll No.

1 1202200900029 Rahid Ali 1220520
2 1202200900099 Debolina Das 1222339
3 1202200900136 Sampa Sarkar 1220309
4 1202200900150 Biprodip Dutta 1222387
5 1202200900163 Riya Goswami 1221028
6 1202200900164 Sultana Parvin 1222253
7 1202200900173 Paramita Roy 1220957
8 1202200900174 Prodip Biswas 1220463
9 1202200900192 Barnali Roy 1221191
10 1202200900242 Rama Roy 1220320
11 1202200900292 Mamani Sarkar 1220321
12 1202200900315 Minakshi Barman 1220537
13 1202200900321 Priya Barman 1220417
14 1202200900328 Koyesha Basunia 1222310
15 1202200900339 Nilanjana Roy 1220368
16 1202200900401 Esha Basak 1220372
17 1202200900417 Nabanita Roy Sarkar 1220187
18 1202200900555 Srabani Das 1220694
19 1202200900560 Susanta Das 1220499
20 1202200900578 Aminur Islam 1220481
21 1202200900594 Mousami Roy 1222375
22 1202200900662 Sathi Ghosh 1220379
23 1202200900663 Riya Roy 1220364
24 1202200900700 Moumita Barai 1220448
25 1202200900703 Prabir Roy 1220295
26 1202200900709 Bipasha Sarkar 1220278
27 1202200900802 Arpita Shil 1220020
28 1202200900814 Priyanka Bhuiya 1220022
29 1202200900853 Mukti Mandal 1220186
30 1202200900878 Rakesh Sarkar 1220367
31 1202200900882 Krishna Roy 1220291
32 1202200900914 Himadri Roy 1221053
33 1202200900955 Rakhi Saiba 1220183
34 1202200901032 Ankita Roy 1222263
35 1202200901061 Soma Dhar 1220518
36 1202200901072 Sudipta Tarafder 1220401
37 1202200901084 Puja Roy 1220388
38 1202200901106 Noore Fatima 1220090
39 1202200901111 Ringki Bain 1220505
40 1202200901115 Prity Roy 1220005
41 1202200901118 Kakoli Sarkar 1220386
42 1202200901123 Riya Saha 1220349
43 1202200901142 Bhaswati Roy 1220421
44 1202200901165 Dipa Roy 1220382
45 1202200901188 Lata Roy 1220383
46 1202200901282 Najimul Hutha 1220251
47 1202200901314 Prativa Basak 1220495
48 1202200901397 Sathi Sarkar 1222361
49 1202200901426 Priyanka Barman 1220356
50 1202200901471 Sushmita Roy 1221386
51 1202200901524 Puspa Roy 1220044
52 1202200901655 Susmita Roy 1220552
53 1202200901657 Krishna Roy 1221251
54 1202200901701 Ekadashi Sarkar 1220279
55 1202200901706 Sritama Sarkar 1220058
56 1202200901719 Dhartika Roy 1222156
57 1202200901728 Sheuli Das 1220305
58 1202200901730 Anjali Karjee 1220231
59 1202200901829 Supriyo Roy 1220446
60 1202200901830 Nisha Roy 1222381
61 1202200901848 Sayanika Saha Roy 1220517
62 1202200901853 Anamika Das 1222350
63 1202200901887 Sharmistha Das 1220117
64 1202200901928 Malina Roy 1220536
65 1202200902033 Abhijit Roy 1220419
66 1202200902067 Mitali Roy 1220398
67 1202200902104 Laxmi Mondal 1220503
68 1202200902124 Priyanka Roy 1220496
69 1202200902133 Tahirima Parvin 1220456
70 1202200902139 Diya Basak 1220273
71 1202200902164 Mukta Parvin 1220450
72 1202200902191 Sumana Yeasmin 1220851
73 1202200902236 Tapashi Basak 1220076
74 1202200902252 Susmita Roy 1220331
75 1202200902332 Sasthita Bhowal 1220294
76 1202200902345 Dipika Biswas 1220033
77 1202200902353 Kanika Sarkar 1220563
78 1202200902356 Anshika Thakur 1220485
79 1202200902404 Beauti Roy 1220065
80 1202200902413 Nandita Roy 1220435
81 1202200902439 Dipanwita Deb Sharma 1220406
82 1202200902549 Sabita Roy 1220900
83 1202200902569 Tajnura Parvin 1220411
84 1202200902587 Anamika Roy 1221036
85 1202200902761 Sultan Alam 1221980
86 1202200902778 Sabana Parvin 1222246
87 1202200902845 Debjani Roy 1220207
88 1202200902884 Mousumi Barman 1222380
89 1202200902891 Monisha Roy 1220396
90 1202200902980 Jinnu Rain 1220412
91 1202200903072 Sabina Yasmin 1220084
92 1202200903098 Abhijeet Roy 1220080
93 1202200903126 Reba Barman 1222386
94 1202200903137 Suman Ghosh 1222123
95 1202200903146 Sushmita Saha 1220428
96 1202200903168 Anushri Roy 1222374
97 1202200903177 Radifa Parvin 1220453
98 1202200903183 Sonu Basak 1220546
99 1202200903235 Rama Roy 1220348
100 1202200903463 Manika Sarkar 1220350
101 1202200903528 Suchitra Sarkar 1220286
102 1202200903588 Jhumki Gope 1220179
103 1202200903632 Himani Roy 1220414
104 1202200903634 Hemolata Roy 1220431
105 1202200903800 Bulti Parvin 1220332
106 1202200903826 Dipika Begam 1220073
107 1202200903936 Kaberi Roy 1221114
108 1202200903959 Urmila Parvin 1220168
109 1202200903976 Bharati Rabha 1220138
110 1202200904169 Preeti Majumder 1220869
111 1202200904324 Sunita Roy 1220165
112 1202200904433 Piu Sarkar 1222385
113 1202200904587 Puja Roy 1220512
114 1202200904605 Himani Roy 1220369
115 1202200904944 Anjali Rabha 1222460

4th Semester (Honours)

Sl. No.

College ID


College Roll No.

1 120210090024 Ruma Biswas 1210256
2 120210090055 Shabnam Nasrin 1211617
3 120210090062 Sumana Ghosh 1211710
4 120210090109 Rakhi Sarkar 1212511
5 120210090184 Rinki Adhikari 1210089
6 120210090364 Priyanka Roy 1210809
7 120210090439 Rubina Yasmin 1210054
8 120210090448 Samapti Roy 1211824
9 120210090484 Rejina Parvin 1210084
10 120210090520 Puja Barman 1210434
11 120210090549 Himashree Modak 1210489
12 120210090552 Mousumi Parvin 1210719
13 120210090725 Sultana Rajia 1210083
14 120210090741 Dipa Singha 1212667
15 120210090841 Jaba Das 1210506
16 120210090875 Bikram Roy 1210491
17 120210090891 Sabnam Parvin 1210499
18 120210090904 Susmita Ganda 1210164
19 120210091061 Munmun Sarkar 1210192
20 120210091069 Srijeta Basak 1212307
21 120210091119 Subha Roy 1210161
22 120210091212 Supriya Biswas 1212498
23 120210091235 Tanushree Roy 1210163
24 120210091358 Puja Roy 1212651
25 120210091361 Anamika Sarkar 1210160
26 120210091391 Suchismita Roy 1210023
27 120210091600 Piyali Parvin 1210007
28 120210091754 Manika Sarkar 1210440
29 120210091786 Malay Roy 1210227
30 120210091879 Adari Roy 1210344
31 120210091889 Arpita Roy 1210280
32 120210091918 Laxmi Shil 1212645
33 120210091965 Rajdeep Ghosh 1212256
34 120210092078 Sinkona Ray 1210124
35 120210092118 Afroja Begam 1210002
36 120210092163 Popy Roy 1212584
37 120210092212 Biplab Barman 1212542
38 120210092266 Jayashree Roy 1212501
39 120210092301 Koyel Roy 1210392
40 120210092435 Serita Sarkar 1210318
41 120210092467 Dipankar Barman 1210127
42 120210092530 Asrita Roy 1212484
43 120210092542 Hena Adhikary 1212592
44 120210092543 Esita Roy 1212674
45 120210092547 Ataur Rahaman 1210388
46 120210092582 Esita Sarkar 1210373
47 120210092587 Sanchita Roy 1210352
48 120210092868 Chandana Roy 1212510
49 120210092891 Sudipta Roy 1212555
50 120210092948 Ananna Roy 1212543
51 120210093250 Manisha Basak 1210282
52 120210093358 Bikram Roy 1211923
53 120210093440 Anima Sarkar 1210095
54 120210093723 Nabanita Ghosh 1212457
55 120210093849 Debjani Kar 1210437
56 120210093882 Prosenjit Roy 1210016
57 120210094107 Puja Mallick 1210112
58 120210094134 Kalyani Roy 1210286
59 120210094239 Nabanita Paul 1210188
60 120210094252 Sanjit Roy 1210433
61 120210094326 Soma Sarkar 1212479
62 120210094364 Debojit Mallick 1210176
63 120210094635 Banamita Roy 1210022
64 120210094726 Sabina Parvin 1212576
65 120210094756 Bhaswati Roy 1210138
66 120210094813 Sukla Roy 1212222
67 120210094831 Nilima Parvin 1210460
68 120210094840 Beauty Roy 1211695
69 120210094859 Pratap Roy 1212487
70 120210094962 Abu Nayeem 1210181
71 120210094970 Imran Wahed 1210013
72 120210095075 Manora Begam 1210348
73 120210095218 Apsana Parvin 1210459
74 120210095369 Jesmin Parvin 1212701
75 120210095414 Bishnu Biswas 1210438
76 120210095466 Sulekha Das 1212300
77 120210095479 Biswajit Sharma 1212556
78 120210095668 Nilanjana Roy 1212683
79 120210096006 Rajib Sarkar 1212587
80 120210096239 Rupali Begam 1212628
81 120210096885 Utpal Roy 1212767
82 120210096954 Rupa Raha 1212856
83 120210096973 Kangkana Dey Sarkar 1212859
84 120210097040 Dhananjoy Roy 1212843
85 120210097117 Banashree Roy 1212901
86 120210097120 Bikram Chakraborty 1212885
87 20200094359 Tulsi Das 1200542
88 120210094516 Priyanka Saha 1212891

6th Semester (Honours)


Sl. No.

College ID


College Roll No.

1 20200090074 Subhadip Paul 1201431
2 20200090097 Labani Laskar 1200522
3 20200090129 Elanur Yasni 1200295
4 20200090138 Sourav Roy 1200269
5 20200090186 Sanjita Roy 1200300
6 20200090240 Kalpana Deu 1200225
7 20200090273 Pourabi Adhikari 1200459
8 20200090281 Piyali Jesmin 1200035
9 20200090349 Kartick Siddya 1200118
10 20200090411 Shibani Majumder 1202223
11 20200090470 Sephali Roy 1200080
12 20200090478 Serina Parvin 1200041
13 20200090496 Sulata Roy 1200471
14 20200090498 Supriya Majumder 1200412
15 20200090588 Ankita Sutradhar 1200409
16 20200090636 Shilpi Das 1201673
17 20200090651 Bhumika Roy 1202237
18 20200090719 Debiparna Paul 1200033
19 20200090747 Merina Begam 1200344
20 20200090767 Pratima Basak 1201935
21 20200090779 Kalpana Barman 1201389
22 20200090878 Banashree Mallick 1200489
23 20200090885 Bankim Roy 1200480
24 20200090925 Rejaul Kabir 1200472
25 20200090934 Banosree Roy 1200477
26 20200091070 Biplab Sarkar 1202515
27 20200091082 Juli Rabha 1200291
28 20200091087 Reshmi Parvin 1200060
29 20200091135 Dhira Roy 1200498
30 20200091151 Rupam Paul 1200205
31 20200091242 Raju Roy 1200644
32 20200091257 Jayasree Roy 1200817
33 20200091290 Labani Roy 1200422
34 20200091301 Shreya Roy 1202104
35 20200091485 Sushama Roy 1200083
36 20200091524 Humayun Kabir Alam 1200103
37 20200091528 Rupsana Parvin 1200521
38 20200091534 Sagar Roy 1200496
39 20200091535 Tithi Rani Das 1200203
40 20200091541 Ritu Barman 1200408
41 20200091587 Pampi Roy 1200493
42 20200091733 Pallabi Chakraborty1200410
43 20200091844 Sourav Gope 1201085
44 20200091848 Bulan Ray 1200451
45 20200091872 Sakil Arshed 1200106
46 20200091894 Aklima Begum 1200186
47 20200091915 Debdyuti Barman 1200387
48 20200091973 Bapan Barman 1200051
49 20200092007 Pritam Bhattacharjee 1200378
50 20200092038 Subhajit Roy 1200089
51 20200092091 Nandita Roy 1200138
52 20200092113 Tanima Roy 1200474
53 20200092125 Manosi Roy 1201507
54 20200092189 Rumana Khatun 1202561
55 20200092249 Liza Basak 1200153
56 20200092288 Riya Das 1200158
57 20200092330 Priya Biswas 1201626
58 20200092351 Rohini Rabha 1200288
59 20200092398 Nirmala Roy 1200363
60 20200092445 Champa Roy 1201028
61 20200092699 Munmun Dutta 1200504
62 20200092866 Susmita Mandal 1200349
63 20200092931 Shukla Sarkar 1200094
64 20200093015 Suparna Das 1200114
65 20200093106 Barnali Dhar 1200449
66 20200093155 Mamata Mandal 1200277
67 20200093209 Gayatri Roy 1200039
68 20200093278 Ranjiban Biswas 1202132
69 20200093651 Susmita Ghosh 1202193
70 20200093664 Mintu Barman 1200126
71 20200093684 Sima Roy 1200500
72 20200093738 Bikash Mohan Roy 1200023
73 20200093814 Amrita Sarkar 1200443
74 20200093902 Tapas Barman 1200382
75 20200093924 Satyen Barman 1202231
76 20200093965 Tiyas Dutta 1200429
77 20200093972 Tirtha Karjee 1200199
78 20200093992 Sanu Das 1201104
79 20200094008 Lalita Roy 1202119
80 20200094029 Anindita Paul 1200168
81 20200094054 Nusmina Parvin 1200268
82 20200094094 Priyanka Ghosh 1200421
83 20200094119 Hriday Roy 1200315
84 20200094126 Suchitra Basak 1202185
85 20200094202 Sima Roy 1202244
86 20200094283 Sumita Bapari 1200532
87 20200094370 Beauty Ghatak 1200466
88 20200094514 Mousumi Roy 1200533
89 20200095523 Parikshit Roy 1202610
90 20200095538 Sangita Roy 1202650
91 20200095553 Ratna Barman 1202641
92 20200095559 Joyashree Roy 1202714
93 20200095590 Jinnat Jaman 1202647
94 20200095594 Subhajit Sarkar 1202705
95 20200095627 Riya Das 1202713
96 20190090075 SANJU BHOWAL 1190453

Students Progression of the Department to Higher Education


Pass Out Students of 2018

1 Bidhan Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
2 Malay kumar Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
3 Montosh Biswas 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
4 Pabitra Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
5 Jayita Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
6 Puspita Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
7 Putul Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
8 Anna Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
9 Soma Dutta 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
10 Munju Sarkar 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
11 Suleksha Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
12 Priyanka Adhikari 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
13 Arparna Barman 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
14 Susmita Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
15 Jamuna Roy 2018 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
16 Nandini Talukder 2018 Banaras Hindu University M.A. in Bengali
17 Prabir Sarkar 2018 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
18 Avijit Paul 2018 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
19 Rupa Dutta 2018 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
20 Supriya Das 2018 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali

Pass Out Students of 2019

1 Saptam Bhuimali 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
2 Pijush Basak 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
3 Swapan Roy 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
4 Amit Mandal 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
5 Suravi Roy 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
6 Koyel Mallick 2019 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
7 Mita Sarkar 2019 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
8 Sourav Roy 2019 Visva-Bharati University M.A. in Bengali
9 Satyajit Roy 2019 Visva-Bharati University M.A. in Bengali
10 Babli Roy 2019 Assam University M.A. in Bengali

Pass Out Students of 2020

1 RIYA BASAK 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
2 POULAMI ROY 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
3 DIPAK BISWAS 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
4 HRITTIK ROY 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
5 ANJANA MANDAL 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
6 MOUMITA SARKAR 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
7 POPI DUTTA 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
8 SUSMITA ROY 2020 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
9 RENESHA MANDAL 2020 AC COLLEGE, NBU Branch M.A. in Bengali
10 LIMA DAS 2020 AC COLLEGE, NBU Branch M.A. in Bengali
11 MONIKA KARJEE 2020 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
12 JHAHANURI SABNAM 2020 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali

Pass Out Students of 2021

1 Rekha Shil 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
2 Susmita Mallik 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
3 Ramprasad Barman 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
4 Riya Majumder 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
5 Champa Ghosh 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
6 Mastana Parvin 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
7 Anuradha Roy 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
8 Chandrika Ghosh 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
9 Prolhad Mandol 2021 University of North Bengal M.A. in Bengali
10 Dhananjoy Roy 2021 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
11 Priti Barman Pramanik 2021 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
12 Dipti Dutta 2021 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus M.A. in Bengali
13 Nishith Biswas 2021 AC COLLEGE, NBU Branch M.A. in Bengali
14 Rinku Laskar 2021 AC COLLEGE, NBU Branch M.A. in Bengali
15 Sourav Roy 2021 Kalyani University M.A. in Bengali
16 Shuvankar Sarkar 2021 Kalyani University M.A. in Bengali
17 Reshmi Oraon 2021 Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University M.A. in Bengali
18 Sikha Karjee 2021 Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University M.A. in Bengali
19 Probhat Shil 2021 Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University M.A. in Bengali
20 Debashis Roy 2021 Alipurduar University M.A. in Bengali
21 Rupsana Parvin 2021 ABN Shil College M.A. in Bengali

Pass Out Students of 2022

1 Pratik Sarkar 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
2 Manisha Sarkar 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
3 Priya Begam 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
4 Jayanta Sarkar 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
5 Manidipa Kundu 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
6 Maya Roy 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
7 Priyanka Barman 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
8 Srabani Mandal 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
9 Anamika Das 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
10 Mallicka Das 2022 University of North Bengal MA in Bengali
11 Bishnudeb Barman 2022 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus MA in Bengali
12 Shanti Roy 2022 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus MA in Bengali
13 Rima Modak 2022 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus MA in Bengali
14 Bithika Roy 2022 NBU Jalpaiguri Campus MA in Bengali
15 Sharmistha Barman 2022 A.C College MA in Bengali
16 Susmita Sarkar 2022 A.C College MA in Bengali

Previous Year Questions (Provided by Dr. Amar Ch. Roy)

Second Semester Questions (Provided by Dr. Amar Ch. Roy)

First Semester Questions (Provided by Dr. Amar Ch. Roy)

Semester-II (SEC) (Provided by Dr. Amar Ch. Roy)

6th Semester CC & DSE and 4th Sem CC & DSC study materials (Provided by Dr. Amar Ch. Roy)

2nd Sem CC, 4th Sem CC & DSC, 6th Sem CC & DSE study materials (Provided by Prof. Narayan Chandra Jana)

5th semester CC 11
(Provided by Prof. Narayan Chandra Jana)


Department of Bengali

বাংলা বিভাগ





28th March, 2024

Special Lecture

22nd March, 2024

Special Lecture

9th March, 2024

One Day Students Seminar

6th February, 2024

Educational Tour

8th August, 2023

Orientation Programme

8th May, 2023

Special Lecture

13th March, 2023

Field Work

10th June, 2023

Field Work


Various Activities

Department of Bengali



% OBTAINED < 40 40 - <41 41 - 50 51 -55 56 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100
NO. OF STUDENTS 0 0 0 0 1 63 20 1 0


% OBTAINED < 40 40 - <41 41 - 50 51 -55 56 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100
NO. OF STUDENTS 3 0 0 0 3 26 60 0 0


% OBTAINED < 40 40 - 59 60-100


% OBTAINED < 40 40 - 59 60-100


% OBTAINED < 40 40 - 59 60-100

Online answer scripts submission

Department of Bengali

North Bengal University UG 1st, 3rd, and 5th Semester (Honors, Programme & GE) Examinations 2022

12 5TH SEM GE(P)