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    • Annual Report
    • SSS
    • IIQA
    • NAAC
    • DVV Clarification
    • SSR Documents
    • Audit Report
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  • Best Practice
  • Principal's PPT
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The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya was established in the year 2014. In the first cycle of accreditation college has scored CGPA 2.19 in 2014 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous body under the University Grants Commission (UGC). The quality enhancement of the Institution is a continuous process, the IQAC play a crucial role towards the institution’s quality assurance system. The focus of the IQAC is to develop a system for consistent improvement in the overall academic performance of the institution.  During the post-accreditation period, institution takes necessary measures to maintain academic excellence.  

Vision and Mission

VISION To cultivate the quality culture in the institution by promoting innovation, advocating inclusion and catalyzing the holistic growth of its primary stakeholders.   MISSION The mission of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college is as follows:
  1. To sustain and enhance the quality education in the institution
  2. To encourage departments to organize seminars, workshops, etc
  3. To encourage self-evaluation and accountability
  4. To arrange periodic assessment and accreditations
  5. To provide students with certain skills to enable them to opt for careers
  6. To promote quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.
  7. To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research
  8. To promote collaboration with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.

IQAC Members

  1. Dr. Nilangshu Sekhar Das (Chairperson/Principal)
  2. Mr. Ranjan Kumar Das (Co-ordinator)
  3. Dr. Nirmal Chandra Roy (Member/GB President)
  4. Dr. Chanchal Sinha (Member)
  5. Dr. Doli Dey (Member)
  6. Dr. Apurba Barman (Member)
  7. Mr. Sougata Karjee (Member)
  8. Dr. Palas Samanta (Member)
  9. Dr. Masihur Rahaman (Member)
  10. Sri Dipankar Majumder (Member)
  11. Sri Rajesh Kumar Singh (Member/Vice-Chairman, Dhupguri Municipality)
  12. Sri Dinesh Majumder (Member/Sabhapati, Panchayet Samiti)
  13. Sri Khagendra Nath Adhikary (Head Master, Daukimari D.N. High School)
  14. Sri Chiranjit Sarkar (Student Member)

IQAC Documents

CAS Documents


Library Documents


DVV Clarifications

EXTENDED PROFILE 1.1 Number of students year wise during last five years
2.1 & 2.2 Full time Teachers' details
3.1 Expenditure (Audit)  
CRITERIA-1 1.1.1 Curriculum Framework and Delivery
1.2.1 Number of Add on /Certificate/Value added programs offered during the last five years
1.2.2  Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years     >  Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs year wise during last five years
1.3.1 Institution Integrates Crosscutting issues into the Curriculum
1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) >  Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships
1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website (Yes or No)
CRITERIA-2 2.1.1 Enrolment percentage  >  Number of students year wise during the last five years
2.1.2  Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy) during the last five years (Exclusive of supernumerary seats)   >  Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year - wise during the last five years
2.2.1 Student – Full time Teacher Ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
2.4.1 Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years >  Number of Sanctioned posts / required positions for teaching staff/ full time teachers year wise during the last five years
2.4.2  Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count) >  Number of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. year wise during the last five years
2.6.2  Pass percentage of Students during last five years >  Number of final year students who passed the university examination year wise during the last five years
CRITERIA-3 3.1.1  Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) >  Total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects , endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
3.2.2  Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years  >  Total number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship year wise during last five years  
3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years  >  Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE list year wise during the last five years
3.3.2  Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years >  Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during last five years
3.4.3  Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., (including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs) during the last five years >  Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community, and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year wise during the last five years
3.5.1  Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years.
CRITERIA-4 4.1.2  Percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years (INR in Lakhs) >  Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
4.3.2  Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)  >  Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic year:
4.4.1  Percentage of expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) >  Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)    
CRITERIA-5 5.1.1  Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies during last five years >  Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies year wise during last five years
5.1.2   Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following
5.1.3 Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the last five years>  Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution year wise during last five years
5.1.4  The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years>  Number of outgoing students placed and / or progressed to higher education year wise during the last five years
  • 5.2.2 Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: JAM/CLAT/GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations)>  Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: JAM/CLAT/NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ Judicial Services/Public Prosecution services/All India Bar Exams/State government examinations)
year wise during last five years
5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/ cultural activities at University / state/ national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years>  Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) year wise during the last five years  
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions)  >  Number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated year wise during last five years    
CRITERIA-6 6.2.1  The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedure, deployment of institutional strategic/ perspective/ development plan etc.
6.2.2  Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation  
6.3.1  The institution has effective welfare measures and Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
6.3.2  Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years >  Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years
6.3.3  Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years>  Total number of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years
6.5.2   Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:
CRITERIA-7 7.1.2   The Institution has facilities and initiatives for Green Campus
7.1.3  Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following



Best Practice

  1. Title of the Practice:
  1. Objectives of the Practice
  • To be aware of coping with environmental degradation among the students
  • To discover creative methods for lowering pollution, and encouraging environmental sustainability
  • To promote a pollution-free environment including a waste-free, and environment-friendly greener campus.
  • To promote green landscaping on the campus
  • To minimize cumulative ecological and carbon footprints
  1. The Context:
Pollution is an inevitable part of our society. Therefore, timely monitoring of environmental quality is very essential for human sustenance. Accordingly Campus Sustainability initiative is our key concern for achieving sustainable development goals.
  1. The Practice:
 (i) Sensor-Based Air and Noise Quality Monitoring Station Monitoring Station has been set up by West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) under the guidance of the Principal of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya. The Department of Environmental Science, Chemistry, and Geography arranged everything on behalf of the Principal. (ii) Maintaining a floral garden and green campus
  • The campus is surrounded by lush greenery. The College campus has a total of 120 plants (41 different tree species) including medicinal, indigenous, economic, and endemic plants.
  • The college has its own floral garden.
  • Restricted entry of vehicles and allotted parking lot.
(iii) Activities and Programmes
  • Efforts aimed at reducing the usage of polythene
  • NSS has run a number of projects to raise awareness regarding proper resource utilization and plantation
  • Conducts several lectures to spread environmental awareness
(iv) Solar energy facility A 75 KWH rooftop solar photovoltaic plant has been installed by the North Bengal Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal. (v) Waste management Sukanta Mahavidyalaya signed MOUs with Dhupguri Municipal Authority. (vi) Water preservation Sukanta Mahavidyalaya installed several big water tanks to collect water during rainy times to preserve the water. (vi) Paper recycling machine
  1. Evidence of Success
  • The College campus is completely plastic-free, smoke-free and tobacco-free
  • Flora and fauna diversity is recorded by Botany, Zoology, Geography, and Environmental Science Departments. Data is utilized in Green /Environmental Audit
  • The college has a dedicated Green Audit Committee that oversees green activities.
  • NSS Units and Dept. of Environmental Science and Geography organized awareness programs like Global water crisis, conservation, and Environment Day celebration to promote environmental sustainability.
  • Two students from the Geography department successfully completed the project work based on Monitoring Station data. Data is also utilized in Green Audit Report for session 2021-2022. The practice was covered by the renowned newspaper; Uttarbanga Sambad dated 18.01.2022 for an awareness drive
  • Solar lamp and solar energy usage -  Solar lighting is being used within the college campus, which decreased the carbon footprint
  • The college has addressed the waste problem by signing MOUs with Dhupguri Municipality
  • Stored water is used for subsequent later purposes
  1. Problems encountered and resources required
  • Higher initial costs and investments: Switching to renewable is an expensive process and government help in the form of financial aid and subsidies.
  • Maintenance problem: Maintenance problem is the key issue.
  • Motivational challenges: Motivating others is difficult since the general public needs to be informed and inspired to practice sustainability. Ongoing initiatives are undertaken to encourage a broad change in the attitudes of college personnel and students.
  1. Notes (Optional)

  1. Title of the practice
  1. Objectives
The objectives of gender neutrality and multilingual inclusivity are to bring all the admitted underprivileged students from economically weaker backgrounds irrespective of their caste, creed, and religion into mainstream education, make them feel at home, increase their confidence level, and motivate them to pursue higher education and excel in life.
  1. The context
Sukanta Mahavidyalaya is a co-educational Institute with students coming from various social backgrounds, among which a vast number of students are first-generation learners and are both socially and economically challenged, having an almost 1:1 ratio of male and female students. Hence it is always a big challenge to bring those underprivileged students from economically weaker backgrounds into mainstream education and motivate them to pursue higher education and excel in life.
  1. The Practice
The college carries out/holds/offers/encourages/conducts/ensures/addresses
  • Department-specific orientation programs and student counseling sessions
  • A host of state government and other funding agencies aided scholarships and free ships with dedicated committees constituted of teachers to look after these issues Individual mentoring to the students
  • Three different language options namely English, Bengali, and Sanskrit to its students to promote cultural exchange in a multilingual platform
  • Parent-Teacher meetings as and when required
  • Different religious, social, and cultural programs within the college premises and outside to generate a universal brotherhood
  • All the needs, problems, and grievances of all the students through the dedicated Student welfare cell, SC, ST, Minority policy, ICC, and Women Cell of the college, constituted of faculty members with desired student representation
  • Free vaccination for all in the lockdown period
  • ICC cell ensures no ragging of students on the campus
  • The college has CCTV cameras throughout the campus and security personnel to ensure everyone feels protected
  • Communicative English classes are held to help students to resolve language problems
  1. Evidence of Success
  • Admission of students from the remotest locations of the state and even from other States
  •  Huge students (almost all deserving students) are under various Scholarship/Free ship Schemes.
  • Participation in various social outreach activities through NCC, NSS, and individual departments.
  • Student representation in various sub-committees and cells.
  •  Free Vaccination of a huge number of students during the pandemic period.
  • Individual monetary help to distressed children, promising children.
  1.  Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Lack of responsibility and sincerity of some of the faculty members to change and think differently and also initially the precarious nature of some of the rural students to mix with others. A bit of money and empathy, sympathy, and compassion toward students are the main resources required for the implementation of this practice. The sincere devotion and commitment of all the faculty members and the office staff are also a must-have.
  1. Notes (Optional)
