Department of Environmental Science

Department of Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science was established since very beginning of college establishment to impart education at the graduate level to students having diverse backgrounds in arts and science. Presently, department has three (3) faculty members. Faculty members are closely engaged with students to prepare the eco-environment project and maintain a good rapport with students. Apart from academic excellence, faculty members are involved in research activities in environment allied fields. Some of the current areas of research interests are environmental toxicology, xenobiotic toxicity studies, antimicrobial activity, hydrology, groundwater geochemistry, pollution monitoring and assessment, risk assessment and environmental bioremediation. Additionally, faculty members are involved in curriculum development, extension education and consultancy services in industries and local bodies.


Courses offered

B.Sc. Compulsory in Environmental Science, B.A. Compulsory in Environmental Science.



Students are our Concern



  • Our mission is to impart education among students.
  • To develop research potential among the students through collaboration with renowned institutions across the world.
  • To provide cost effective techniques to industries and agriculture for sustainable development.
  • Rendering services such as training to the society to achieve “Pollution free Environment”.
  • To propagate environmental awareness about safe environment to achieve environmental sustainability.


Department of Environmental Science




ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


ENVS Project


Notice for Inter-College Photography Competition 2023

Department of Environmental Science

Course Offered:
This Department offers

  1. B.A. (Hons. & Program) Compulsory in Environmental Studies
  2. B.Sc. (Hons. & Program) Compulsory in Environmental Studies


Learning Outcome Based Curriculum Framework

  The Undergraduate Environmental Science Compulsory Course (AECC1) seeks to prepare students to meet the demands of ecological citizenship by building a solid foundation on the vital connections between ecology, society, and economics.

Program Learning Outcome

The undergraduate students will be benefitted by the following attainments:
  • PO1: Program will help to promote environmental education/awareness among students/pupils regarding existing environmental burden.
  • PO2: Program will delineate the solutions of environmental problems to achieve environmental sustainability by making “Pollution free Environment" and to live more sustainably.
  • PO3: Provide students with the opportunity to develop a thorough grasp of the numerous facets of life forms, ecological processes, and how people have affected them throughout the Anthropocene epoch.
  • PO4: Helps to identify important environmental challenges, analyze their different underlying causes, assess their practices and policies, and provide a framework for making well-informed judgments.
  • PO5: Students become empathetic toward all life forms and recognize the myriad ecological connections that make up the interconnectedness of all life.


Learning Outcome Based Curriculum Framework

The Undergraduate Environmental Science Compulsory Course (AECC1) seeks to prepare students to meet the demands of ecological citizenship by building a solid foundation on the vital connections between ecology, society, and economics.

Course Learning Outcome

  The course will provide undergraduate students more strength by enabling them to:
  • CO1: Acquire in-depth knowledge on concept of environment, environmental education & ecosystem as well as natural processes that support life and control the economy.
  • CO2:  Understand about different types of environmental pollution and its effects, and their management processes.
  • CO3: Making predictions about how human behaviour will affect the global economy, the quality of life for people, and the web of life.
  • CO4: Understand about different types of environmental pollution and its effects, and their management processes through implementation of environmental laws and policies across the globe.
  • CO5: Fostering critical thinking skills to create scientific, social, economic, and legal strategies for biodiversity conservation, environmental preservation, social justice, and sustainable development.
  • CO6: Acquire sound knowledge on different natural resources, biological diversity, different ecosystem services and their conservation processes to safeguard them.
  • CO7: Developing ideals and attitudes toward comprehending complicated environmental, economic, and social concerns, as well as actively participating in resolving immediate environmental issues and averting upcoming ones.
  • CO8: Embracing sustainability as a way of life, in society, and in business for achieving circular bioeconomy.
  Overall, Graduates will become ecologically aware, socially conscious, and equipped to safeguard the environment while promoting sustainable lifestyles and developmental models.




W.E.F.-2nd JANUARY, 2023

ENVS Pass out Students


Department of Environmental Science Sukanta Mahavidyalaya


Visit to Sonakhali Forest for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
Dated: 27/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited Sonakhali forest on 27/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on Forest Ecosystem’.

Visit to Gilandi River for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
Date: 26/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited Gilandi River on 26/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on River Ecosystem’.

Visit to Plywood Industry for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
Date: 13/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited Agarwal Plywwod Industry on 13/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Plywood Making Process and Associated Problems’.

Visit to Pond Ecosystem for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
Dated: 21/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited a nearby pond on 21/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on River Ecosystem’.

Visit to Crop Field for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
Dated: 16/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited a nearby crop field on 16/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on Listing of Insects in Crop Field’.

Visit to Dhupguri Town for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
DATED: 21/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited a Dhupguri Town area specifically Traffic Signal area on 21/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on Traffic Problem and Traffic Pollution’.

Campus Visit for Field project for SEM – I Student for Session 2019-20
DATED: 15/11/20219

All faculty members along with specified teachers of Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB visited college campus on 15/11/20219 for conductance of ENVS project on ‘Study on Listing of Economic Plants within Campus’.

Celebration of Van Mahotsav 2022 Programme
DATED: 1st July to 7th July, 2022

Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB in collaboration with the NSS wings of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya celebrated the annual Van Mahotsav (অরণ্যসপ্তাহ) from 1st July to 7th July, 2022. The celebration was graced by our respected Principal, Dr Nilangshu Sekhar Das; Dr Nirmal Chandra Roy, Governing Body President, other Governing Body members, faculty members of the college, programme officers of NSS units, college staff members as well as the students of the college including NSS Volunteers. During this programme different activities like tree sibling plantations in college campus and NSS-adopted villages, distribution of tree siblings among villagers, awareness camp on importance of tree plantation as well as tree planting campaign etc., were performed.

Conductance of Orientation Programme for SEM – I Student for Session 2022-23
DATED: 19th September - 23rd September, 2022

Department of Environmental Science of Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, WB conducted orientation programme for SEM – I Student for Session 2022-23 from 19th September to 23rd September, 2022 in order to familiar with the AECC1 course, in particularly course curriculum, academic assignments and evaluation process.


ENVS google form for Answer Script receiving (BA/BSc  Semester I, 2022).

